Press Releases for size scrubs

  • 1150

    Sassy Scrubs Expands Their Line of Mystical Batik Medical and Nursing Scrubs

    Due to customer demand, Sassy Scrubs is increasing the number of batik fabrics that are available for their customers to use when building their own custom scrubs. The beauty of batik fabrics and the rich history of how they are made, make batik fabrics a large draw for medical staff that are looking to add a touch of class to their uniform wardrobe.

    By : | 07-31-2012 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 1150

  • 1219

    Sassy Scrubs Announces the Launch of a New Web Site Design

    Sassy Scrubs, a leading online medical scrubs retailer and US based uniform Manufacturer, announces the launch of their new website design. The new website design, which features a streamline presentation and clear calls to action, has resulted in high praises from their customers.

    By : | 06-29-2012 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 1219

  • 1112

    Sassy Scrubs Releases Their New, Colorful Sweetheart Color Rave Scrub Top

    Sassy Scrubs gets a face lift with the addition of their new Sweetheart Color Rave scrub top. The company’s custom scrubs move from standard unisex sizing to an updated, more fitted ladies uniform.

    By : | 06-20-2012 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 1112

  • 1355

    Sassy Scrubs Reveals Their Expansion Into Adaptive Clothing

    With advancements in medicine and surgical technologies and the rise in America’s elderly population, the need for adaptive clothing has steadily grown. This has resulted in Sassy Scrubs’ decision to expand their product line to include custom made adaptive scrubs.

    By : | 04-13-2012 | Medical:Medical | Total Views : 1355

  • 861

    Sassy Scrubs Expands Their Clearance Outlet to Feature Plus Size Scrubs

    Today, Sassy Scrubs announced an expansion in the number of plus size medical uniforms in their Clearance Scrubs Outlet. The United States based manufacturer and e-commerce Company now offers medical professionals a wide assortment of hard-to-find scrub-wear in plus sizes up to 6XL.

    By : | 03-26-2012 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 861

  • 828

    Sassy Scrubs Announces the Top 5 Reason for Expanding Their Company’s Social Media Initiatives

    In today’s highly competitive online retail market, many companies find social media marketing a double-edged sword. Today, Sassy Scrubs announced the release of its new social media initiatives.

    By : | 03-16-2012 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 828

  • 750

    Sassy Scrubs Announced the Release of Private Label Manufacturing Services

    To aid in America’s economic recovery, many US based wholesale and retail companies are on a search for Manufacturers to create products with the coveted “Made in the USA” label. Sassy Scrubs has stepped into that arena by offering Private Label Manufacturing services.

    By : | 03-05-2012 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 750

  • 706

    Sassy Scrubs Announces Employee Promotion

    Sassy Scrubs’ customer care specialist, Emily Gates, is promoted to Customer Care Manager.

    By : | 01-16-2012 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 706

  • 1144

    Sassy Scrubs Helps Clothe Those in Need at San Francisco’s Walden House

    San Francisco’s Walden House seeks assistance from the Upstate NY scrub manufacturer, Sassy Scrubs, to help clothe new arrivals as they take the first steps in living their new lives, free from addiction.

    By : | 12-29-2011 | Self Help Or Personal Growth:Self Help Or Personal Growth | Total Views : 1144